Cetirizine (Zyritine/Zensil) - Interpharma Group

Cetirizine (Zyritine/Zensil)

A second generation long-acting antihistamine with anti-inflammatory activity and non-sedation.


For relief of allergic condition e.g., allergic rhinitis, hay fever, allergic dermatitis, urticaria and allergic conjunctivitis.


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- Antihistamines competitively block histamines from attaching to histamine receptors that located on cell organs leading to relieve symptoms of allergies, such as conjunctivitis, sneezing, hey fever, itching and rashes.
- Cetirizine is a second generation antihistamine with anti-inflammatory activity with long-acting effect without sedation

A second generation long-acting antihistamine with anti-inflammatory activity and non-sedation.

- Zyritine (Cetirizine 10 mg)
- Zensil (Cetirizine 10 mg)